Syberia Project (aka Syberia OS) is a custom ROM for Xiaomi Mi5 (Gemini) that implements various features. This project was designed by our "Syberia Team" from scratch based on AOSP source code. Also for HALs we use CodeAurora sources (i.e. CAF). Our team: @blinoff82, @DennySPB, @alexxxdev. Also many thanks to our designer @rlshukhov for logos, wallpapers and bootanimation.
Built-in EAS kernel by @DennySPB with patches from
CodeAurora, focuses on high performance and power saving
Kernel built with DragonTC Clang 8
Upstreamed ART
Latest SQlite
OTA Updates
Themes support
Real-time charging info on lockscreen
Custom switch tiles
Tiles Haptic Feedback
Torch gesture on power button
Screen off animations
Screen Record to the Power Menu
Statusbar brightness control
Navigation bar, Lockscreen shortcuts, StatusBar tuner
Features flash-call-on-waiting
Volume key music control
Volume Rocker Wake
Double tap to sleep on lockscreen and statusbar
HOME as wake key
Increasing ring feature
Reset battery stats
Hide the power menu on the lockscreen
Statusbar network traffic
incall vibration options
Force Expanded Notifications
Battery light customization
HeadsUp notifications
Smart Pulldown
Support for MicroG
Increasing ring feature
Reset battery stats
Hide the power menu on the lockscreen
Statusbar network traffic
incall vibration options
Volume Key Answer
Launch default music player on headset connect
Live Volume Steps
Quick Pulldown
Statusbar clock date customization
Custom system animations
Navigation gestures
Night Light brightness mode options
Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation
Full screen photo for incoming and outgoing calls
And more and more...
Features are constantly being added and improved.